Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem - In the name of Allah the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Khushu in Salat

Allah SWT states in the Holy Qur’an:

“Successful indeed are the believers. Those who humble themselves in their Salah.” Suratul Mu’minun: Verse 1-2

Khushu – from the root khashia – is a condition of the heart, meaning humbleness and tranquillity. Khushu in Salah is when this inner feeling of humility, submission and fear of Allah SWT is reflected in the physical self, called khudu.

By attaining khushu, not only is the believer being cured from laziness and reaping all the rewards of their worship, but they are also reducing the heavy burden of Salah. Allah SWT has said:

“and seek help in patience and Salah and truly it is a difficult matter, except for Al-Khashi’un (those who humble themselves)”. Suratul Baqarah:Verse 45

Al-khushu will be the first thing to be removed from the face of the earth at the end of time and it is also something that Shaitan – may Allah SWT curse him – has tried to take away from us right from the beginning. He has vowed to misguide and tempt the sons of Adam, saying :

“then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left.” Suratul A’raaf: Verse 17

And what could be a better way to lead this Ummah astray than to abolish the direct communication between servant and the Creator?

As with every aspect of our deen, we must keep our intensions purely for the sake of Allah. When we stand in prayer in the masjid or with our friends, we can sometimes outwardly perfect our prayers to show our piety, but how many of us truly feel the delight of Salah and the sincere closeness to our Lord?

One of the Prophet’s Companians used to say:

“I seek refuge with Allah from hypocritical khushu”, he was asked: “What is hypocritical khushu?” He replied: “When the body appears submissive while the heart is not.”

Attaining khushu is not easy and we will never be able to make our Salah perfect, however as true believers we must learn from the best example – our beloved Nabi SAW – surely there is great reward in trying to improve our character and attain excellence in our worship.

Here are just a few, out of many ways, by which we can increase concentration in our daily prayers.

1. Preparing for Salah by repeating the Adhan with the muadhdhin and making duah for the Prophet SAW after it, performing proper wudu and making duah and dhikr after it, cleaning the mouth with siwak and wearing your best and cleanest clothes, as Allah SWT says:

“O Children of Adam! Take your adornment at every place of worship.” Suratul A’raf: Verse 31

2. We must ensure tranquillity in our Salah by spending the proper time in ruku and sujud and by not rushing any of the actions. On the authority of Abu Abdillah al – Ash’ari RA, the Prophet SAW said:

“The one who does not complete his Ruku’ and hastens in his Sujud is like a hungry person who eats a date or two, they are of no avail to him.”

3. The Prophet SAW said: “Remember death during Salah, because if a man remembers death during his Salah, it is more likely that he will perform it perfectly; and pray as if it is your last Salah.”

4. Allah SWT commands us to recite the Qur’an in a slow and rhythmic tone, and to ponder upon His Ayat.

He, the Almighty, has said:

“Recite the Qur’an in slow, measured and rhythmic tones”. Suratul Muzzammil: Verse 4.


“This is a Book that We have revealed unto you, full of blessings, that they may ponder its revelations, that men of understanding may reflect.” Sa’d: Verse 29

This highlights the importance of knowing what we are reciting and to understand the words of Allah whilst standing in prayer.

5. As I have mentioned before the Shaitan is always trying to interrupt our worship of Allah SWT and remind us of worldly and foul things, especially during our Salah. The Prophet SAW has given advice that we should seek refuge with Allah from the cursed Shaitan and spit three times to our left, when we perceive this effect.

He SAW has also said:

“Whenever anyone of you stands for the prayers, Satan comes to put doubt in his mind till he forgets how many Rak’ats he has prayed. So if this happens to anyone of you, he should perform two postrations of Sahw (forgetfulness) while sitting.” Reported by Abu Huraira, Sahih al- Bukhari.

Reciting different Surahs and making du’a during Salah may also help to attain concentration.

In order to increase our khushu we must also try to avoid things such as:

Praying when food is present or when prompted by the call of nature, praying when feeling sleepy or yawning during Salah, praying behind a talking person, disturbing others with loud recitation, raising one’s eyes to the sky, trailing garments during Salah and imitating animals.

Let me end with the beautiful words with which I started:

“Successful indeed are the believers. Those who humble themselves in their Salah.” Suratul Mu’minun: Verses 1-2

May this message be a reminder and the beginning of a great improvement for you and I both. I make duah that Allah SWT helps us to attain khushu in our Salah and to increase our Taqwa in this blessed month and for the rest of our lives. Ameen.

Samia Hussain

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