Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem - In the name of Allah the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Thursday 2 September 2010

The 99 Names of Allah

As-salaam-ul-ailakum Readers,

Just a quick post from me today. While reading the Noble Qur'an last night a thought occurred to me. Which two of the 99 Names of Allah (SWT) do we know him by the most?

It is not Al-Qabid, the Restrainer or Al-Bas'it, the Expander but rather Ar-Rahman, the Most Gracious and Ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful. These are His first two names after Allah, but they also form the main part of 'Bismillah' - a phrase we say before starting anything and everything, a phrase we take for granted.

I think that Allah - the Almighty who knows what is best - is trying to tell us something through 'Bismillah': that He wants the most to be known as the beneficent giver and all forgiving. I believe He wants us to ask Him, and Him alone, for everything and for forgiveness. This is something we often neglect to do in this high-speed modern life of ours, where praying times are cut short by phone calls and appointments. When all we really have to do is raise our hands, supplicate and ask Him for everything and for forgiveness.

My brothers and sisters in Islam, during these last 10 days of Ramadaan, as we seek Laila-tul-Qadar, please remember to ask wholeheartedly for forgiveness for all your sins and transgressions, those committed knowingly and unknowingly. Inshallah, your prayers will be answered. And make sure you truly forgive anyone who has ever wronged you, because attaining the forgiveness from man is much harder than that from Allah (SWT).

Make Du'a for me as I make Du'a for you and our Ummah.