The following are the verses of Surah Al-Ma'un (small kindness) which is chapter 107 of the Holy Qur'an:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem - In the name of Allah, the Benificent the Merciful
Have you observed him who belies religion?
That is he who repels the orphan,
And urges not the feeding of the needy.
Ah, woe to worshippers,
Who are heedless of their prayer;
Who would be seen (at worship),
Yet refuse small kindness!
That is he who repels the orphan,
And urges not the feeding of the needy.
Ah, woe to worshippers,
Who are heedless of their prayer;
Who would be seen (at worship),
Yet refuse small kindness!
Let this remind you and I, that the smallest act of kindness has a great weight to it. Sometimes we are so concerned with doing big things and changing the world that we forget these small acts; even smiling at our brothers and sisters is recorded with Allah azzawajal.
The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said:
The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said:
'Giving charity is incumbent upon every bone of every human being every day that the sun rises: To judge fairly between people is charity. To help someone mount his animal is charity. To help someone load his pack is charity. To say a good word is charity. To remove any harmful thing from the road is charity.'
[Bukhari, Muslim: Abu Hurayrah]
[Bukhari, Muslim: Abu Hurayrah]
It is these small acts of kindness that treat the sick, comfort the dispaired and give hope to the forgotten.